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Monday, May 20, 2024

Editorial Mission Statement

Welcome to TEFLNews.org, the go-to source for TEFL educators in Asia. Our mission is simple: to empower you with the information, resources, and community support you need to navigate the complexities of teaching, immigration, labor issues, and job search in this region.

We believe in the power of egalitarian solidarity to bring about meaningful change. That's why we're committed to providing a platform where educators can share experiences, insights, and solutions, all while fostering a sense of unity and equality.

Whether you're dealing with visa challenges, contract disputes, looking for teaching tips, or seeking assistance with your job search, we've got you covered. Our articles and resources are designed to be both informative and actionable, giving you the tools you need to succeed.

Core Values of TEFLNews.org

  1. Empowerment & Career Support: Our primary goal is to empower TEFL educators with the knowledge, resources, and assistance they need for career growth and success in Asia.

  2. Egalitarian Solidarity: We are committed to fostering a sense of unity and equality among TEFL educators, believing that collective action and mutual support can bring about meaningful change.

  3. Informed Community: We strive to create a platform where educators can share experiences, insights, solutions, and job search resources. We aim to build a more informed, equitable, and interconnected TEFL community in Asia.

Vision of TEFLNews.org

Our vision is to be the leading voice and trusted resource for TEFL educators across Asia, particularly in Korea. We aspire to create a community where educators are not only well-informed but also empowered to bring about systemic change in the realms of teaching, immigration, labor, and career growth.

Through our assistance with job search and the principles of empowerment, egalitarian solidarity, and informed community, we aim to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable educational landscape in Asia.